There are many different emotions that we go through during the day, the majority of us can handle these emotions and stay in control. However, there are some individuals that battle to control their wrath and this affects not merely them but their close friends, co-workers and loved ones. Other problems such as stress, panic attacks or even depression can also be linked with anger control issues, but all of these issues can be dealt with.
With anger comes an increase in blood pressure level, heart rate and adrenalin output.
At some point, relationships with friends, family and work colleagues can be affected as these circumstances become more and more hard to manage.
People with anger management problems may go through road rage, violent encounters and in the main actually feel discomfort with everything they encounter. Long term unresolved anger can create a downward spiral leading to mental health problems which include depression, as well as medical problems such as elevated blood pressure.
The triggers for anger can be many and varied, as we are all affected by different things to different degrees. It is in many cases painful past ordeals, the desire to be in control, feeling insecure or inadequate and hard life circumstances that trigger anger problems. Hypnotheraputic tactics can treat all of the problems that surround anger management quickly and efficiently.
Hypnotherapy works by establishing underlying issues that may be the reason for these temper problems, and communicating with the subconscious in order to affect the patterns of behaviour and ways that individuals think. Hypnosis would help to make the individual actually feel calmer and more relaxed, enabling them to live a normal happier life.
The techniques used in hypnotherapy specialist techniques help to alter the responses to certain situations, so as to prevent reactions of anger flaring up. This helps the person really feel more under control, which in turn enables them to feel at ease quicker than before.
By eliminating the underlying cause and then taking on the symptoms of anger the hypnotherapist will help the client to make rapid and a considerable difference to all their social and workplace scenarios.
Keith Dorrington, a professional hypnotherapist, who works at Hypnotherapy Blackheath explained, ‘Anger is a very distractive emotion and has been linked to to high blood pressure, depression and anxiety. By dealing with the underlying problem, usually from past events, leaving the client feeling more calm and in control when dealing with life’s situations.’